The Constitution is the basis of our free and prosperous life

The Constitution is the basis of our free and prosperous life

    On December 6, 2019, curators of the first year students BILM-01 and BHN-01 of “Budget Accounting and Treasury” faculty A.M.Aripova and D.R.Shaymardanova held a roundtable discussion on the topic “The Constitution is the basis of our free and prosperous life” in order to strengthen their knowledge of the general definition of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan and to develop a sense of respect for the basic law of the state.


    During the discussion, students were presented with colorful presentation using multimedia, offered to complete tasks such as Insert worksheets, short essays, case studies and crossword puzzles, as well as creative work on making cards for the Constitution Day of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


    The roundtable discussion was very interesting and fruitfull, and students showed a deep understanding of the Constitution, its importance and authenticity.



16:55 / 2019-12-09
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